HyperTuesday 43 - 2024.5.14

Open Projects

    Breadcrumbs @z6Mkq...RcgWp
    Copy-paste and prioritize lists. @z6Mkv...pjBbW
    Collaborative Changes: Draft Rebasing @z6Mks...ESQGx @z6Mkn...SWigo
      Collaborative Editing between Collaborators.
        Document Diffing
        Review Conflicts in the same block.
          Reject changes
        Update draft.
        Document Settings.
      Get rid of variants
        Only default view.
        Not consider author variants as branches, but as Suggested Changes
        Treat Group Variants as Group Branches?
      Suggested Changes between non-collaborators
        Show changes by author and list of heads.
        Suggest changes.
        See Document diffing and review Conflicts
        Merge Suggested Changes.


Upcoming Projects

Manage Collaborators (ACLs versus Caps)
    Add Collaborators
    Add Group Collaborators
Branching Editing - Explicit Branches
    Create a Branch
    Select Branches
      Move Branches to the Document Settings
Creating branches enables multiple drafts and private collaboration


    We dont want to invest in Group Variants
    Groups suck for collaboration.