HyperTuesday 42 - 2024.5.07

Open Projects

    Deleted Content Page with bring back.
    Windows opens once and refocuses if they are open.

Upcoming Projects

    Copy-Paste in the App

Closed Projects


    Deprecate Group Description @Eric Vicenti
      The "Edit" button will default to bio/description
      No more "add front document button"
    Branch for Navigation Overhaul @Eric Vicenti
    Research Copy-Paste in the app

Design Notes

    Open Editorial Process: Permissions and Branches
      Find Better wording for permissions/allowance: Close and Open Document.
        Open Collaboration with another Author.
        Open Collaboration with a Group of Editors.
        Make sure that non-collaborators understand that they can Branch a document.
      User Stories
        As a document owner, I want to allow others to edit the default view of my document.
        As a document owner, I want to branch the document and allow others to edit the branch.
        As a document owner, I want to publish or add a branch to a location.
        As a document owner, I want to publish a document to a Group, and I want to allow the group editors to edit the document.
        As a document owner, I want to publish a document to a Group without allowing the group editors to edit the document.
        As a document owner, I want to duplicate the document. We only want one concept. We bet on branches.
    Deleted Content Page with bring back.
    Improve Profile and group design
      empty state
      breadcrumb for home/root
    Add Content to another document from the document itself
      Should switch from all types of embeds.
      Embed picker, same for all references common UI.
      With a branch picker too.
      Explore using the name Add instead of Embed.
    Publishing Flow
      Explore using the Outline menu view as the Location Selector.
      the Account selector seems as the document has not been already published to your account.
      Should the Add document should be together to a location selection?
    Decide color palette