Intro to Hypermedia

The web of community knowledge. Featuring:
    Signed Authorship
    Permanent Data Archival
    Version History
    Open Editing
    Direct Peer Connections

Chapter 1: Direct Connections

    Connect directly with your friends computers over the internet
    No Social Media gatekeepers for your content
    Connect to peers by sharing connection URL
    libp2p under the hood

Chapter 2: Permanent Data

    Content Addressability enables data integrity
    Building on IPFS

Chapter 3: Authentication

    You have a secret key, represented as 12 words
    A device key is created so your account remains secure even if your device falls into the wrong hands
    All content you create is signed with your keys

Chapter 4: Entities and Changes

    Entities can be changed over time
    Changes are immutable data that modifies an Entity
    All changes are signed
    A CRDT is used to interpret changes into the current Entity State
    Version history for all Entities

Chapter 5: Document Entity

    Blocks can be arranged in a hierarchy
    Documents are modeled as a set of blocks and block moves
    There are many block types: Paragraph, Heading, Images, Files, etc.

Chapter 6: Embedding

    For example:
    By referencing Entities and Change IDs, you can embed other content into your documents
    With content addressability, you can verify that the embedded content is exactly the version you want to reference
    You can independently archive the content that you embed
    Your app can track citations and back-links of any document

Chapter 7: Groups

    Example Group
    Groups are a collection of documents, and the people who can edit them
    Each group has one owner, which cannot be changed
    The owner assigns the editors
    Editors and owner can modify the group content
    Groups can be cloned/forked to change ownership

Chapter 8: Sites

    A group can be published to a web site, so the world can see your content
    Sites require a server and a domain name
    You don't need to trust your web host, as long as you have your own domain name and local copy of the group